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C D SWANSON is an Author of 22 plus books, freelance writer, contributor to various websites, including The Bottom Line Ministries/Faith News. She's an active member of Faithwriters- and has her online website/ministry for over 15 years. It is her greatest joy to write what’s in her heart, and thus her favorite form of expression is in her devotionals. She and her husband share a deep love of God and dote on their fur baby Mickey. Retired Director from Long Term Healthcare Industry, she continues to be an advocate for many. To check out other writings of this author you can go here:

Morning Sunrays Of Delight

Morning delight as the dark turns into day, Another chance to hear what He has to say. Dancing sunrays play coyishly across my face, My faith securely rooted and never out of place. His creations abound throughout all I see, His Son, my LORD and Savior has set me free. ...

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Breath of Life From Above

Luke 2343– And Jesus said to him; “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Life. How would you personally describe it? Paradise?  Personally, what does that mean to you? Life–something or someone that has breath with complex functions. Paradise–An eternal place of peace and ...

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Solar Panels For Jesus

Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. A local radio station was having a fund raiser sponsored by local churches in my area for populations in Africa. The churches hope they could help bring solar-powered energy solutions to rural ...

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Communities: Have You Spread It Today?

Jeremiah 15:16 “Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah was a priest and prophet, who spoke the words of the LORD. His main focus was to bring the Word to the unresponsive people of ...

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