With all of the personal information on the internet it would not be at all surprising if someone came up with a plan to invade people’s privacy worldwide. Not only is this happening, but technological advances are in the works with the goal of universal control of all individuals. Jack ...
Read More »Monkey Think Monkey Do, Or Thinking God’s Thoughts
Monkey think, monkey do. Scientists recently went “ape” over wiring together multiple monkey brains to make one “organic computer.” An article by Carl Engleking reports the networking of rats and monkeys to produce “simple tasks and computations better than an animal flying solo.” After several tests, three monkeys were wired ...
Read More »Controversy Leading to Dialogue
A friend of mine recently told me that she doesn’t like this website because it is controversial. What immediately came to mind is that there are too many Christians sitting in churches expecting everyone else to think and act like they do. I did not ask her whether she was ...
Read More »Will The Next U.S. President Be Subject To A One World Government?
God’s agenda is not subject to man’s. Events of biblical end-time prophecy are being fulfilled at a rapid pace in our current events. One of the major prophecies is the forming of a one-world government. From the way things are quickly progressing, the next president of the United States may ...
Read More »A Site of God’s Judgment: The Discovery of Sodom?
In Genesis 19 it is recorded that the city of Sodom was judged for its rampant immorality. Was there really such a city? Is this story true? If it is true it lends support to biblical truth and the belief that God judges sin. For liberals who do not want ...
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