Friends, since the recent decision by the Supreme Court on gay marriage, there has been a fight “over the rainbow”, including who it belongs to and what it’s supposed to mean. Rather than declare who I believe it belongs to, I’m going to suggest there is much difference between the ...
Read More »4 Headlines That Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes
Friends, some of my least favorite things to write about are political issues, but over the past week, things have rapidly changed in the United States, and it’s looking like they’re only going to get worse if we don’t refocus on what is happening and take a stand. At this ...
Read More »Political Conventions are to Come – Now Is The Time for A Constitutional Convention
Are you shocked when you turn on the nightly news and hear of yet another egregious assault on the Constitution – by the very government that is supposed to be upholding it? Have you begun to feel helpless against the bloated government and political cow-towing and corruption? Perhaps you are ...
Read More »God’s Love is Better Than Hollywood
Why do you think it is we are willing to subscribe to faith that transcends all understanding, defies all logic, and be willing to surrender our lives to Jesus as our Savior and yet we continue to have a hard time believing that true love is possible this side of ...
Read More »“Fundamental Change”: The Shredding of the Constitution
The smiles cheers and celebrations have begun. Television, radio, and social media are inundated with the news of the recent Supreme Court rulings. The celebration will, no doubt, be short-lived. 2Timothy 3:8-9 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified ...
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