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Am I Serving Christ Enough?

  “Am I serving Christ enough?” I have heard that question numerous times. Many Christians are plagued by guilt that they are not “doing enough,” and are crushing under the weights of service and expectation in the church. If you have been in ministry long enough, you may understand that ...

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P.E.N. – 3 Simple Steps To A Healthier You

It’s a fact…the majority of people, in some way, to some degree, want to improve their overall health.  We want to improve our eating habits, sleeping habits, stress reducing habits, _____ habits (you fill in the blank).  The options are endless – which creates a bit of a dilemma.  By ...

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Road Trip Anyone?

Are you tired of sitting inside and looking at the lack of coloration all around you? With the decline in gas prices, why not fan the embers of adventure into flame and start planning that family vacation? God has given us so many beautiful places to see, why not plan ...

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