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Let’s All Have A Dream!

Today I want to talk to you a bit about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the implications of his “I have a dream” speech that was delivered on August 28, 1963. Now I am not a history buff, nor do I typically write about it but today I felt inspired ...

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Because sex is a spiritual union first

sex as a spiritual union; offer your bodies as living sacrifices, soul ties

The city of Corinth worshiped Aphrodite, Greek goddess of sex. High on the hill was a temple dedicated to her, and one of the functions of the priestesses serving in the temple was to have sexual relations with those who came to worship. In this way, the demons behind this ...

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Former New York Jets Tim Tebow Helps Special Needs Kids

What goes on behind the scenes in the field of football? Here is a heartwarming story of one former player who is using his wealth to help the poor and needy. Tim Tebow, who was a backup quarterback for the New York Jets and now an SEC college football analyst ...

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