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We Are God’s Reflection

If you have an extremity amputated, are you still you? If you have both breasts removed in a fight for your life, are you still you?  What exactly are we human beings made up of? There are many opinions and debates about whether or not we are the result of billions of years ...

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Our Hope: The Bible For Today

‘And He called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.’ Luke 9:1 (ASV) I have heard it said, quite often, that the miracles and signs in the Bible that were performed in Jesus’ name were intended only for Biblical times.  If ...

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Is there any hope for healing?

Heart wounds flow like a river through this world.  Despair rises when hope for healing feels foolish.   Slashing words, lies, even physical violence cut into our souls and sometimes pierce our spirit.  Every day there is a sad truth revealed:  hurt people hurt people.  Every Christian possesses the power to stop ...

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