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Have You Thought About Heaven Lately?

When was the last time you really stopped to consider heaven?  I don’t mean the vague, bouncing-on-pillowy-billowy-clouds-type of heaven, but the coming, eternal, new heaven on the new earth.  (Revelation 21: 1-2)  The heaven where God sits on His glorious throne surrounded by lightnings, thunders, voices, and a brilliant emerald ...

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Six Requirements For A Healthy Marriage

People eat right and exercise to prevent health problems. Why not take measures to help ensure a healthy marriage? With a high divorce rate many things can be done to prevent one’s marriage from separation. There are elements that can and should be taken into account from the very first ...

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Let’s Be Rational: A Look at the Adolescent Brain

For every parent who’s raising a teen, the occasional shaking of the head in confusion and frustration is understood. What could they be thinking?  Why did they make that decision? Didn’t they consider the consequences they would face? But the adolescent brain is especially vulnerable to an inability to think ...

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