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Males Who Care For Their Elderly Parents

It’s true, women are naturally nurturing. Still, being kind and caring are characters that are not gender specific. Males also posses the ability to nurture and care for their elderly parents. This duty is not just a job for women. Men also have to assume the role of caregiver for ...

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3 Step Formula to Beat the Devil

You know that feeling of excitement that comes with new opportunities? God gives you a vision of your ministry, the calling He intended for you, and at first thought you are beyond ecstatic. You desire to change the world, and you know that with God’s help you will. Then a ...

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Overcoming the Spirit of Fear

The Bible repeatedly commands us to not be afraid. God knew that there would be much opportunity for fear and anxiety in the fallen world in which we live, so He continually reminds us not to fear. Fear is a natural human emotion, but it can also be driven by ...

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