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The Powers of Invisibility Are Not Just for Harry Potter

New technological developments by John Howell, a professor of physics, and Joseph Choi, a PhD graduate student at Rochester’s Institute of Optics student, have emerged out of the University of Rochester. The improvement in the ability to cloak or “hide objects from view” (University of Rochester) has now become easier ...

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Yogurt: King Of The Dairy Aisle

Ice-cream was once hot. It was the go-to dessert, best midnight snack, and the remedy for sadness. But like most treats, the better it tastes the more damage it does to our health… Until yogurt that is. The heat is now on the sweet delight that’s loaded with health benefits. ...

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Daily Dose Of Joy Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Remember the last time you were truly happy and filled with joy? There was a time I kept a list of things in life that brought me joy.  When did I stop adding to that list?  More importantly, why did I stop?  There was a time that I would sit quietly (back before children and a real ...

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