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Could Adrenal Fatigue Be Making You Tired? (Part I)

Adrenal fatigue and exhaustion occurs when the adrenal glands are unable to properly meet the demands of stress, and it may be more prevalent than even the medical community realizes. Are you exhausted, feeling rundown, having difficulty handling stress, or craving sweets or caffeine? No, this is not the Vitameatavegamin ...

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Losing Morality But Winning the Rating Race

Recent opposition has taken place in regards to a new television series airing this weekend on TLC (Formally known as The Learning Channel). The new series is titled My Husband’s Not Gay and has struck controversy from all ends of the Liberal and Conservative spectrum. The basic plot “follows four ...

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Our Hope: Find Your First Love, Again

Do you remember when Jesus became your First Love?  That day was special to you, and still is.  But somewhere along the way, you have, like so many of us, lost something of that exciting feeling.  You no longer have the exuberance for Christ you once did.  You still love ...

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