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The Rise of Christianity Among Muslims

Amidst all of the war and beheadings caused by the Islamic State, a miracle of rebirth is happening in the hearts of many. Muslims are discovering that there is a Christian God who is alive and with whom one can have a personal relationship. Those who have been taught to ...

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The Evolution and Creationism Debate: Part II

As I mentioned in my previous article, evolution and creationism is a heavily debated issue due to the fact that unbelievers who are also scientists claim that evolution is the only answer as to how our world became what it is today. The last article focused on what evolutionists think so this article ...

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3 Keys for Breaking Free from the Occult

In a previous article, I wrote about how the devil lures people into the occult. Now I want to tackle how to break free from its influence. The occult is a powerful force, but it is no match for the name of Jesus. No matter how far into the darkness ...

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