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Stand Firm And Keep Traditions

Tradition—a nice global word that many people understand. Certain disciplines, routines, and cultural beliefs that our forefathers passed along. For this reason, thousands of years of long-standing ceremonies unite families. Creating bonds of warmth, closeness, and connection. Rites tend to offer a secure sense of belonging that make us feel ...

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Why Should I Go To Church?

Going to church is not an act to be performed out of duty or obligation, although it is commanded in Hebrews, Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Yes, ...

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Absolute Worst Chores In The House

Do you have the worst chores to do at home?  Do your parents leave long lists of things for you to get done? Is there anything you can do besides complain and refuse? I’ve done some K.P. (kitchen patrol) and G.D. (garbage detail) in my day, so I know it ...

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