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How Satan Draws People into the Occult

One of the ways that Satan is at work in the world, is through the influence of the occult. The occult refers to hidden and secret arts; any attempt to gain supernatural knowledge or power outside of the One true God. The occult has many branches, and is far-reaching in ...

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What Not to Say to a Couple Struggling with Infertility

About 10% of couples will experience infertility. According to Alice Domar, Ph.D., Director of the Behavioral Medicine Program for Infertility in New England stated, “The depression and anxiety experienced by infertile women are equivalent to that in women suffering from a terminal illness.” Spouses grieve differently. In a study conducted ...

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5 Steps to Silence the Voices in Your Head

Latest research indicates that humans communicate at a rate of 150 to 200 words per minute. Additionally most humans have the capacity to process and understand an astounding 500 to 600 words per minute. That is a lot of noise, but it is just the tip of the iceberg in ...

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