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These days it’s too easy to get a divorce.  Yes, society has changed it’s feelings about this once taboo subject.  Where in the past there may have been times when a divorce should have been granted, now there are times when many are granted that should not have been.   There used to ...

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Small Book With Big Truths

Do you really believe that Christ is coming back? I mean honestly, we’ve been hearing of His return since for-ever! And He’s still not here. So, tell me, do you really believe??? Let me clarify any doubt and unbelief that may be lingering in your hearts. HE IS COMING BACK. ...

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Help! My Teen Thinks They’re A Zombie!

Zombie mania has been rampant lately. In fact, I remember back in the day when I was a fourth grader and Michael Jackson’s Thriller was released. Everybody was getting into the zombie scene. Friends, it has hit again and it is a lot worse. So why do I care? I ...

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