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Breaking You: Satan’s Favorite Game

Have you ever heard that lie being whispered in your mind that you messed up and now you’re not a Christian anymore? If you have, don’t fret my friend because that’s Satan playing his favorite party game. You see, Satan wants to break you. He wants to make you give ...

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How To Make Your First Kiss Meaningful

As sure as day will turn into night, you will have “crushes.” You know, that boy or girl that you have the hots for. Then eventually you’ll go out on dates. Christian teens have feelings too, so don’t be ashamed. God made no mistake when He created us sexual beings. ...

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Former Pastor: If there is a God, does he even make a difference?

There is much to learn from Ryan Bell, former pastor, and current “Speaker, Author, Teacher, Activist at the Intersection of Faith, Justice and the Common Good” – as he describes himself.  A passion for learning and doing well emanates from every effort of this forty-plus ‘religious nomad.’  Seemingly that longing ...

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