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The 11th Resolution

New year, new you… right? As the ball dropped over Times Square, more than 40% of the population said farewell to late-night snacking, traded a little extra sleep for early-morning sessions at the gym, made promises to their savings accounts, and pledged to kick smoking to the curb. According to ...

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Taste And See New Wine

Sometimes there are moments of rare ecstasy. And, then there are once-in-a-lifetime moments that re-define history. Talking about Jesus’ mission on earth, involving a radical break from traditions of man, but not the laws of God. The stage is set for Him to fulfill every jot and tittle of Mosiac ...

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Music: Do the Lyrics Matter?

Music is a powerful thing. It can turn the cowardly into the courageous in the form of a battle hymn or it can emotionally cripple us. Today, I want to go on a little musical journey with you and test whether lyrics matter in music and I’m going to measure ...

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