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Teens Helping Others – Volunteer Opportunities

The great thing about volunteering is that you get to choose whatever interests you. With so many options, there is something for everyone. When you’re doing something you enjoy, it doesn’t seem like drudgery. If money is short, you can donate your time. Focusing on others can also relieve anxiety ...

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Clearing the Clutter Of My Heart

Winter vacation seems to be the time when items in my house gain a little more of my attention than the usual routine. For example, toys that my kids no longer play with may take a vacation into a storage tub or they may go on a donation trip. Other ...

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How To Cultivate Self-Discipline

Inspiration is a beautiful thing, there is no question about it. The problem is this … it just does not come around often enough.  Some days can feel like an up hill battle and waiting around for the inspiration to strike is a waste of life.  There are ways to build within you (just like a muscle!) ...

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