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Our Hope: Giving Throughout the Year

‘Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.’ Hebrews 13:16 (NIV) As Christians, it should be our joy to share with others, especially with those who are truly less fortunate.  As God gives to us, we, therefore, should give to others. ...

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Sale: Best Price of the Year

I don’t know about you but the words “best price of the year” cause me to perk up. I may have been half listening before but suddenly, I’m all ears. Five minutes ago I was not even considering purchasing this item, but now I know I desperately need it. I ...

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Dad, Can I have ten bucks?

The kids may be grown, but there is a scene played out in many homes on a regular basis: Caller-id told me who was on the other end.  Experience told me what the caller wanted.   “Dad, I really hate to ask.  BUT is there anyway you could let me have ...

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