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The Future is Here: The Class Of 2015

Proverbs 22:6  Direct your children onto the right path,     and when they are older, they will not leave it. (NLT) Out with the old…. I am approaching 2015 a bit melancholy. I knew my son’s senior year of high school would bring its mixture of pride, joy, sadness and tears. ...

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Who is Right? Creationism vs Evolution: Part I

We live in a world full of choices so it doesn’t take long to see that people have ideas on how we were created. Although humans have great physical and logical reasoning to what they believe to be the truth both creationism and evolution can’t both be true, can they? This ...

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The Connection between Worship and Warfare

Did you know that there is a connection between worship and warfare? Our battle is not against flesh and blood; and since our battle is spiritual, our weapons are spiritual. I wrote previously that peace is an unlikely spiritual weapon. In the same way, there is hidden power in thanksgiving, ...

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