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Making All Things New

Embedded deeply within the heart of Christianity, shouts the incomparable truth that God makes all things new. Even more, He loves new things: new songs, new hearts, new heaven and earth, new names, a new and living way, etc. Because sin stained Eden’s garden, we inherited a fallen nature. Therefore ...

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It’s Not About Me!

Another year is dawning, and I am struck by both a sense of fulfillment and one of regret. As I look back over the past year, I spy dreams that have been brought to fruition and goals that have been met. I see accomplishments and growth in many areas. Yet, ...

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Biography Of The World’s Greatest Man

She was a woman with a beautiful heart, and a humble spirit. Even though she was a virgin, Mary carried her baby for nine months and went through the standard child delivery process. Jesus Christ the Nazarene was born to mother Mary and father, Holy Spirit. His father however, placed ...

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