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Sea Salt – the Natural Choice

Are you worth your weight in salt? In the Middle Ages, it was known as “White Gold.” In the first century, Roman soldiers were paid a salarium (Latin for “salt” and from which we get the word “salary”). Salt has been used since Old Testament times as a preservative, a ...

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Moving Past The Embarrassing Moment

The bell dismissing us from lunch was moments from sounding as my friends and I strolled past the art display case in front of the main doors to the school. As I continued in conversation, a piece of paper creased from its folded note form was tacked above the bottom ...

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Our Hope: In The Midst Of The Storm He Is There

‘God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ‘ Hebrews 13:5 (NIV) If you are anything like me, you have made this statement before, ‘Where are you, God? Why are you letting me go through this?’  When we face the storms of life, it is ...

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