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My Church Family, My Forever Family

If you don’t belong to a church you are missing out on God’s blessing. I am so grateful for my church family.  When I say “church family” I mean all the people who believe and walk in faith.  It has taken me a while to find the right place … ...

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God, What are your plans for me?

God’s mercies are new every morning; fresh starts are a daily opportunity. The God of Hope wants us embrace each new day with inspired hope.  Daring to dream and setting goals honors our divine design.  Goals and dreams seldom just materialize; they require diligent effort.  New habits take 21 days ...

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‘Sold Out’ Athletes

It’s always refreshing to see Christians speak up with their faith in the entertainment world.  I am a huge sports fan; especially football.  Due to social media, I am able to follow many of my favorite ball players on Twitter.  On a daily basis, I can read and see on ...

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