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Teens, The Occult, and Witchcraft

Google recently announced there has been a 300 percent increase in online searches for Ouija boards. They were also on the 2014 Christmas “must buy” list. The movie, “Ouija,” was a huge success at the box office. These are all clear indications that attraction to the occult is rising dramatically. ...

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Got Solid Food? A Look at Spiritual Maturity

Most of us don’t find the Sunday morning message comfortable when it leaves us embarrassed or defensive, angered or guilty… We may find ourselves looking at our watch or thinking about lunch! We much prefer the good feeling we have when the sermon does not point directly at us! And ...

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Oranges and Childlike Faith

This is a story, set at Christmastime, about a little girl who lived in central Illinois and sent a letter to Santa in December, 1908. She graciously forgave him for overlooking her home the year before, blaming it on the smallness of the stockings at the family fireplace—too hard to ...

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