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Are You Good Enough For Heaven?

“Lord, I miss my sweet wife so very much. It just wont’ be the same without her. I don’t know why you’d have me stay here or how long you’d have me to stay. I only hope that I’ve done enough good to one day be with her again.” My ...

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4 Reasons Joseph Rocks!

He woke up startled. The beads of sweat that formed across his forehead, ran down the side of his face. Breathing heavily, he listened to the sound of his heartbeat echoing loudly in his ears as he tried to calm himself. He sat up in bed and replayed the dream ...

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For KING & COUNTRY Nominated for Two Grammy Awards

There’s no better way for an artist to close out the year. For KING & COUNTRY, the Christian rock/pop duo who came onto the scene in 2010, has been nominated for two Grammy Awards. They announced the nomination in an email to fans, writing, “Since the conception of ‘for KING & COUNTRY’ ...

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