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The Power of Speaking God’s Word

In a previous article, I wrote about how we must learn to use God’s Word like a sword. Paul said that part of our spiritual armor is to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:17). When faced with temptation, Jesus consistently quoted from ...

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Just Say NO … To Anger, Hurt, Defeat

Ever felt like you were nothing? A nobody? Insignificant? And unremembered? You are not alone. At some point, we have all felt this way. The question isn’t when will you feel this way but rather what will you do when it happens to you? In Biblical days, there lived a ...

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Beating the Holiday Blues

Holiday blues affects Christians and non-Christians as well, and occurs between Thanksgiving and New Year’s; it is accompanied by depression and anxiety symptoms. These symptoms occur because of unrealistic expectations of how families should be, demands of holiday parties and events, financial strain of buying gifts, reminders of past losses, ...

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