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Come As You Are

Christmas.  ‘Twas the season to be jolly, but I was finding myself much more contemplative than jolly.  Every time I would come across a manger scene, I was somehow captivated like never before nor since.  That little baby, the Son of God, seemed to be inviting me so tangibly into ...

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Wind Energy And The Hidden Costs

Recently the horizon of my back yard changed. What was once a clear view of the Western sky has now become polluted with crimson lights that flash in perfect unison at night and during the daytime, visible wings that transfer wind into energy. Honestly, I don’t like my new view. ...

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5 Super Food Villains Everybody Needs To Know About

When you think of “super foods” what goes through your mind? You probably have thoughts of broccoli spears, celery sticks, and tofu. However, today when I talk about “super foods”, I want to talk about the super villains and not the heroes. In fact, I’m going to zero in on ...

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