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Does God Hate?

Hate, Hatred for sin

Some folks have asked, “Why do some Christians use the Bible to justify hate?”  Throughout the centuries, evil men and women have extracted small portions of the Bible to justify their prejudices. They do it without regard for the context and who is speaking. They may target people with a ...

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Your Eyes-Your Love-Your Promises-Give Me Life

Proverbs 15:3  The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. None of us has the capacity or the knowledge of our awesome and heavenly Father.  Neither do we have the ability to grasp his deep and profound perspective of all things.  God often ...

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Is There A Prophetic Significance To The Coming Solar Eclipse?

It is being called the “Great American Eclipse of 2024.” On April 8, 2024 there will be a solar eclipse moving from the south to the northeast across America. Seven years ago in 2o17 there was another solar eclipse seen moving across the U.S. from the north to the southeast. ...

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