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The Relevancy Of The Book Of Daniel For The Culture Of Today

The Book of Daniel is very relevant for our time. The first story begins in Daniel 1:3-8. “The king commanded…to bring some of the people of  Israel…youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king’s palace, ...

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Still Learning At Ninety-Five: An Interview

Palma G. is a lovely 95-years young Eucharistic Minister at a Catholic church in Staten Island- one of five boroughs located in New York City. The other boroughs are Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Manhattan. Palma is a “7 day a week in attendance for mass Catholic” as she so aptly ...

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Commitment – Or Not?

Team building commitment

Years ago, a couple responded to an invitation for salvation at the end of a service. They wept and shed tears over their sin, trusted Christ as Savior, and all in the church rejoiced at their salvation. But we never saw them again at church. A Christian couple with all ...

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