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The Gainful Cross

Our human minds can’t seem to grasp, how God’s love will always last. When we’ve wandered far from Jesus, we start to think we can’t please Him. From His Spirit flows Living Waters, reaching out to us when we falter. With this, our attitudes will change, knowing He will remain ...

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It’s Above My Head -Psalm139:6 (Chinese/English)

Psalm 139:6 –Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. 诗篇139:6- 这样的知识奇妙,是我不能测的,至高,是我不能及的。 It’s above my head. 这超出了我的头脑理解范围 We think that we know everything, man thinks he has all the knowledge, when in fact, he knows nothing. 我们以为自己无所不知,人以为自己无所不知,实际上,他什么都不知道。 To a believer the verses 1-12, can be ...

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Creation: Science Or Philosophy?

God's creation - mountains and lakes

In an article by Joshua Kreisel on February 10, 2017, published by Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, titled “How Should Creationism and Evolution Be Taught in Public Schools?” he comes to these conclusions:  Creationism is not science, but it should be taught in public schools. Teach evolution as science ...

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