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Retirement Can Be A New Chapter In Your Life

Here are some interesting facts about seniors. The Wall Street Journal has reported that more Americans are turning 65 in 2024 than any time in history. The 2020 U.S. Census revealed that one out of six people are 65 or over. That is 55.8 million Americans or 16.8 percent of ...

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Introduction To Psalm 139 (Chinese/English)

PSALM 139 – O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. 诗篇 139 -主啊,你察看我,认识我。 Introduction. 序言 A Psalm for you and me. 一首献给你我的赞美诗 This Psalm is awesome, I come to it, with a deep sense that what I am going to share, will benefit some people. 这诗篇是庄严的,我来到它,有一个深刻的感觉,我要分享的东西,会使一些人受益。 This is one ...

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How An Interview With Jesus Might Go If I Had The Chance

What if you could interview Jesus this very moment? What would you ask? How do you think He’d reply? I’ve thought of some questions, I’d love to ask Jesus. And if you will indulge me for but a little while, I’d like to explore the possibilities of that interview happening ...

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