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Exempt From Wisdom?

There is an interesting exemption to a law in the Aloha State, one you may not believe when you hear. Undercover police offices there are exempt from the law that it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a prostitute for money. Someone thought it would be a good ...

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Blindly Trusting in God

It seems most people want to see it before they believe it.  Thomas, Jesus’ disciple, was like that.  He said that unless he saw the nail prints in Jesus’ hands and stuck his finger into those prints and put his hand into Jesus’ side that he would not believe it ...

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“Road to Emmaus” — Movie Review

“Road to Emmaus” Movie Review The Scriptures Luke 24:13-49 comes alive on film. It is a beautiful portrayal of the two travelers walking on the Road to a village called Emmaus which was seven miles from Jerusalem. (Luke 24:15-16—So it was, while they conversed and reasoned that Jesus Himself drew ...

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