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History Lessons

Many times people wonder why they should have to ‘learn about a bunch of dead guys.’ They’re unable to see the purpose of studying history. Though I don’t agree, I can understand why they would say that. Until we apply the lessons of history to our own lives it is ...

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The Tongue of the Wise Brings Healing

Proverbs 12:18” The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Have you ever looked in the mirror and saw a sneaker sticking out of your mouth? You are in the midst of a heated discussion with your friend, spouse or child and ...

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From “Wild Card” to “Grace Card”

From “Wild Card” to “Grace Card” By Renee Have you ever tried playing a game with a child and somewhere in the midst of the game, the rules suddenly changed (usually to the child’s advantage), and you were unaware of the changes?  For example, you go to lay down your ...

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