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Just a Girl and Her Heart

  Just a Girl and Her Heart By Renee G. The other day as I was hanging out with a few moms from church, I sat watching some of our kids play, and I started thinking what life might have been like for Mary.  Do you think that the other ...

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It’s Just a Box Right?

It’s Just a Box Right? By Renee G. Two little buzz words, “Noah’s Ark”, are heating up Hollywood and the Evangelical Christian world these days as Paramount Pictures releases “Noah”-a biblically inspired film on the life and times of Noah. Inspired is the key word here, but instead of arguing ...

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The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry–Movie Review

This movie was released into the theaters in September of 2009. It was directed by Rich Christiano and recommended by the Dove Family. It is a precious and heart-warming movie. It is very inspiring and great for the whole family to watch. This movie shows how one faithful man can ...

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