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Why We Need Both The Old And New Testament

Some Christians say we don’t need the Old Testament because it is not relevant. However, without the Old, the New would make no sense at all. The Old is a history of the world in need of a Savior. The New Testament provides the answer in the person of Christ. ...

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Living In The Age of Endurance

There are eight areas for which people need to have much endurance in these troubled times – to bear up without giving in. Ephesians 6:18 says to “keep alert with all perseverance.” False teaching and compromising the gospel of salvation (II Timothy 4:3-4 and I Timothy 4:1). Moral decadence and evil ...

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Life’s Refining Fire

For every refining fire, as we walk through life, this is when more of Jesus shines through. The purpose, of each trial, is to bring us closer to Jesus. As we do, we begin to be polished into the beautiful gems He has predestined us to be. We may not ...

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