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Jesus Invites You

group praying over Bible - coming to Jesus

I walked right into the US president’s office to talk with him. Not unusual! He called me and told me he had heard about my problem. He wanted me to come in to talk so he could help me. Sound fishy?? Well, it is! When was the last time a ...

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The Revelation About The Revelation

Revelation 1:8  I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. When we think about the eternal nature of God, who is the source and the goal of all things, and realize He transcends ...

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The Essential Cornerstone

Without Jesus in our lives, we would not be able to survive. Our spirits would not be strong, for we would not, to Him, belong. Unwise people don’t think things through. Instead, they tend to see what they can do. When the storms of life come their way, they find ...

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