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Doing Right The Wrong Way

dog fails to do it the right way

The secular headlines screamed: “Man Killed Doing Religious Service!” The Israelites are at it again – doing something religious that ended in disaster.  They had what they called the Ark of the Covenant and were transporting it to a new location in Jerusalem.  They loaded it on a cart pulled ...

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Marriage Is Easy

Like the title says, Marriage is easy. You just have to find a suitable mate and cleave yourself to them for the rest of your life. Pretty cut and dry. But then there is just one problem. We are all sinful broken creatures who only want what’s best for ourselves. ...

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I Can’t Multitask – But God Loves Me Anyway!

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Sometimes we may wonder if we’re doing all we can in order to serve our Father.   In fact, there may be times when ...

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