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The Trustworthy Master

God’s timing for our prayers is not like ours.  As believers in Christ, we know that God’s Word says in Isaiah 55:8 , “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” The more we dwell on the answer we’re expecting…The longer it seems ...

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Godly King Makes Fatal Decision

Chariots - war - fighting

Josiah began his reign over Judah when he was only eight years old.  He started doing right in the sight of the Lord and walking in the ways of King David.  (2 Kings 22-23; 2 Chronicles 34-35). When he was sixteen, he began to seek after the Lord.  He started ...

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Show Me Your Hope

For the Christian, the born again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ, our hope is in Him. In Christ that is. In the finished work that fulfilled our debt to God. In His death and resurrection Christ did what no mortal could do. Although born of ordinary means he was ...

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