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Thanks And Battle Stations (Chinese/English)

Dear Friend, 亲爱的朋友 Thanks for all your friendship throughout the year, I cant send a Christmas card to everyone, but my prayers and that of my family are with you. 感谢你们这一年来的友谊,我不能给每个人都寄圣诞卡,但我和我家人的祈祷与你们同在。 Please share your prayer needs with me, so I can pray. 请与我分享你的祷告需要,好让我祷告。 Once again, our love to you at ...

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No Other Name

Isaiah 45:22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else. Life in the Spurgeon home was built around the Scriptures. The Bible was not only read, but it was also believed with unquestionable assurance of its ...

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Living Out God’s Grace

This article is a continuation of my previous one entitled, “God’s Amazing Grace.” I will discuss what a person’s response needs to be in reference to grace, in four key areas. One, I sometimes wonder when secular (as well as some religious) people sing the hymn, “Amazing Grace,” do they think that ...

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