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Wise Men Still Seek Jesus (Chinese/English)

Reading Matthew chapter 2 vs 1-12 阅读马太福音第2章和1-12节 They call me a wise man… well I thought I was. 他们称我为智者…我以为我是。 I am a man of the East, and live in a society that believes in all types of deities. 我是一个东方人,生活在一个信仰各种神灵的社会里。 From my youth, I have been fascinated by the ancient writings. Some of these writings were brought ...

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Neither A Lender Nor Borrower Be

John 13:34-35  A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. The Bible doesn’t leave much room for doubt ...

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The Unified Sound Of The Church

Oh that God’s church would display, a heart of love and not disarray. His love is not shown as it should be, which causes an absence of harmony. It seems that some of our leaders, have caused disruption among believers. We should each be sure of our salvation, especially with ...

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