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Short But Sweet

JOHN 11 约翰福音 11章 35节 Jesus wept. 耶稣哭了 SHORT BUT SWEET 短而甜 Surely the story of Lazarus depicts the spiritual state of us all before Christ came into our hearts; we were dead in trespasses and sins.  Like Lazarus we wore the grave cloths of our own good works, which ...

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The Brokenhearted

Questions seem to be in our minds, throughout our human lives. The what ifs and if I had only, sometimes leaves us sad and lonely. Remembering, as if it were yesterday. I can still hear Him, even today. “My children, who are dear to me, look in My eyes and ...

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Share The Truth In Love

Sharing the truth in love. How are we as disciples of Jesus Christ supposed to go about doing this? The truth of the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should move every one of us to want to share it with everyone we encounter. This truth is what ...

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