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Though Your Sins Are Like Scarlet

It’s hard to wrap my head around the idea that the God of the universe, Creator of heaven and earth, invites me/us to talk things over with Him.  And yet in Isaiah 1:18 we read “Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the LORD; though your sins be as ...

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Father, Please Help Me Forgive

Matthew 6:14-15 -For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. This scripture is pure and simple. It states we have to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven. ...

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Speaking Up For Israel “For Such A Time As This”

In the story recorded in the Old Testament Book of Esther, Mordecai and Esther exposed a plot by Haman to exterminate the Jews. Esther risked her life by going to the king and “pleaded with him to avert the evil plan”(Esther 8:3). Previous to this, Esther had been admonished to ...

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