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Going Above And Beyond

Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. For those of us who didn’t know it, this week people all over the world celebrate World Teacher’s Day. They are those remarkable men and women ...

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In One Or On One?

I’m doing a writing challenge and am supposed to write a short story about a trail. Trail ….. hmmmm what can I write about a trail? Am I on a particular trail right at the moment? How would I define that trail? A dirt trail, an asphalt trail, a long………?Oh! ...

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Words Of Encouragement For Troubled Times

Many of you are experiencing very difficult times. Some are going through extreme financial hardship. Others have fatal illnesses. Emotional struggles have gone off the chart. Suicide and depression are at a historic high. There is a spiritual battle happening all around the world. World events are chaotic with wars, ...

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