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Is Your Character Showing?

How do you determine a man’s character? Is it how he treats other people? Or how he acts in his home? I’m going to propose it’s everything that a man does. The way he acts and how he treats people in every situation all of the time defines a man’s ...

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Twisted Truths

The world as we know it, is in such sad disarray, grasping at straws, be that as it may. We seem to have a saying for all things these days, as if we are explaining each trial that comes our way. Explaining in metaphorical language, whatever fits in with our ...

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So It Is With Life

Completely spent, we sank into our comfort spots in the dimly lit living room.  I finally broke the silence.  “I have a feeling I’m never going to be alright again.” “I know” my husband wearily agreed. Early that morning I had been abruptly jolted out of a flu induced fog ...

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