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My Mood-O-Meter

Are you at all like me?  I awake in the morning and know immediately what the forecast is.  Before I ever open my eyes.  One day it is overcast and drizzly with a good chance of a storm moving in.  Or it might be mild and balmy with lots of ...

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War Around The World

Have you watched the news lately? Lots of talk of wars breaking out. Russia is trying to take control of the Ukraine. The Hamas crossed over into Israel and began terrorizing people. Israel responding and declaring war against the Hamas controlling the Gaza Strip. I’ve heard people saying they felt ...

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Springs Through The Valley Of Baca

Psalm 84: 6-7 Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a place of springs; the rain also filleth the pools. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God. After a lifetime of manual work exposed to the sun, John’s body is ...

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