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The Importance Of Spiritual Rest

Being a Christian is, without a doubt, a wonderful thing. Not only are we spiritually reborn, but we now belong to a family. A community of believers from all different walks of life, who share in the same Spirit. We each have our gifts, roles, and callings, but we are ...

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Artificial Intelligence Versus Religious Worship

One of the fastest advancements in technology is artificial intelligence. There are some good things happening as a result, but there is a bad side to it also, like taking jobs away from humans. It has been predicted that it will eventually get to the point where humanoids will become ...

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The Master’s Voice

1 Samuel 3:10 “And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel answered “Speak, for thy servant heareth.” From an early age, Samuel’s whole life was orientated towards hearing from God. Serving in the temple, Samuel learnt how to know God and be about ...

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