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His Word For Soul & His Word For All

Infinite wisdom my LORD comes from Your Word (Proverbs 2:6) I embrace and sincerely hold close all that I’ve heard. Your Word is as a lamp and does light my way (Psalm 119:105) It’s essential to listen to all of what You have to say. Your Word is forever and ...

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Dark Passage Into Harbor Of Lights

Recently I had the inimitable honor of interviewing Mara, a remarkable woman in every sense of the word. She shared her experience and escape from occupied Latvia in the 1940’s. She and her family could almost be called “The Von Trapp” family from the movie, The Sound of Music. As ...

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Ignore History At Your Own Peril

Historic Early American Flags

Today’s society confronts us with many choices, often unpleasant. A lot of them relate to our country’s government. But because most social studies and history courses have been on the back burner for years, today’s adults are unaware of how our government works and ignore the vitally important issues of ...

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