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Why Aren’t You Praying?

If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time you will understand how important fellowship is with other believers. So then how much more important is it for us to have fellowship with God? Never ceasing to pray or praying without end should be a standard for every believer. ...

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God Has The Final Agenda

People have a lot of plans for the future of Planet Earth and for humanity. Consider these two headlines: Globalists Have Another Event Planned In Pursuit of the Four D’s: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction, and Depopulation in 2024 will make 2023 look like a walk in the park (Leo Hohmann). UN ...

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Christians, Beware…

Proud of himself winner

Of The Most Dangerous Sin for Christians Years ago, a famous preacher enjoyed an immense following. Thousands of preachers would attend his “preachers’ schools” at the very large church he pastored. They hung on to every word the famous preacher said – and his methods and mannerisms. Then, these young ...

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