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Sweet, Sweet, Lord

Psalm 119:103 How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth! Chocolate. Most people love it, me included. Although I very rarely have any these days. I do occasionally have a very small piece of dark chocolate, actually for health reasons. But I confess, I do ...

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The Transformation

The Lord directs each person in a different way that we would have never imagined. He shows us people that are so hurt, have placed a death sentence on themselves, and they feel hopeless. I talked with someone last night, that talked with me about her previous friends and such. ...

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The Ultimate Debt Paid

When we surrender to Christ we turn away from our sins. This doesn’t mean a Christian will never sin, it means he will grow to hate his sin. The sin nature we inherited from our first father Adam says that we will all sin. Not only will we sin but ...

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