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Cultivating A Christian Conscience

Always let your conscience be your guide. Most probably remember that line from Pinocchio. That is what the cricket preached to the wooden boy. But what if your conscience is seared? Personally if I followed my conscience from 10 years ago I would still be a selfish drunk who didn’t ...

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The Most Important Relationship Of All

Relationships are very broad and multi-faceted. They can be complicated, easy, loving, difficult, or tumultuous. The point is that in an average lifetime there are a variety of bonds, connections and love, and at times “hate” emotions that we will experience. Relationships are a part of us. Our parents for ...

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Leaving A Legacy

Exodus 20:12 Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Recently I spent a holiday visiting my parents in Sydney. They are in their mid-eighties now and like many that age, have their fair share of ...

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