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Learning To Manage Anger

Anger has become a blemish on the culture. It is out of control, and has led to a degree of violence never imagined. It is an emotion just like joy, happiness, or sadness, but is expressed in destructive ways, an outward action of the sinful heart of humanity separated from ...

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Pot Meet Kettle

We’ve all heard the familiar phrase, “pot meet kettle” when referring to a situation that implies someone who is usually sitting in judgement about a person or situation. I believe it was William Penn who first used the term in his Some fruits of solitude, 1693, “the pot calling the ...

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Unbroken, Brothers In Christ.

I wanted to take a little bit to highlight the importance of brotherhood. And by brotherhood I mean your brothers in Christ. This all also applies to women and their sisters in Christ. I love this set of verses from Ecclesiastes. I think it highlights well why we need our ...

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